In November, the University of West England in Bristol is host to a small, but growing West Country Quilt and Textile Show. The galleries are mostly contemporary/art quilt groups or individuals. This year, 6 SAQA members had galleries. Alicia Merrett and k3n shared a long stand, myself and Stephanie Crawford has a stand, Cherrilyn Tyler has a stand for her fabulous sheer embroideries and Kate Findlay's Hadron Collider quilts also had their own stand.
My camera is brand new and I haven't yet read the instructions, so I apologise for the quality of the following pictures:
Stephanie's Glimpse series |
Cherrilyn at work |
Some of Alicia's work |
One of Kate's Wall
My Experimental Collages | | |
We also took the opportunity to have an informal chat and get to know Cherrilyn who lives in a different part of the UK. It was hard work but rewarding as visitors were very complementary about our work.
Next to Harrogate where Cherrilyn and I will be stewarding the SAQA stand, Food for Thought. Hopefully see of you there.