
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Taking it down...

On Saturday evening, when the doors of the Carrefour European Patchwork (note the change of name - it used to be European Patchwork Meeting!) closed, a bunch of motivated and dedicated SAQA members gathered to take down the exhibition "Redirecting the Ordinary".

Deb Cashatt, Uta Lenk, Kris Sazaki,
Paola Zanda and Paolo Zanda (from left to right),
getting ready to take it down!

The show had received a lot of interested comments and praise, and it will now travel to several destinations in Europe, the first being Vicenza, Italy in the end of October.

Structured and organized distribution of jobs - and in less than an hour it was history.

Then the sun could set on this year's Carrefour.

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