
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Harrogate K&S Show - end of November

"Food for Thought" has travelled to all the Knit & Stitch shows this year. A few of us went to Harrogate to steward. It was a busy stand with many visitors viewing their first art quilts and WOWed by them. Most visitors were not quilters as the show is a general textile show with a heavy bias to knitting so interesting to talk to.

Thanks to Michele Hardman, Cherrilyn Tyler, Sandra Wyman, Sarah Edwards and Brenda Wroe and Linda Forey and accompanying friends and Robert for stewarding.

Here are a few pictures:

First, Susan Chapman, one of the UK SAQA members at work in the Art Van Go artists' stand:

 and some of the SAQA stand

 Hope everyone has a good festive season.

Best wishes - Christine

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the photos. It looks so different to when it was at FOQ.
