
Thursday, May 12, 2016

SAQA member Geneviève Attinger in “Water is Life”

Geneviéve Attinger's « Le Cauchemar de l'Eau-la Quête » is part of the "Water is Life" exhibition which was a challenge quilt exhibit with debut at United Nations headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland in March 2016 to commemorate UN World Water Day. Organized by the United States Mission to the United Nations in Geneva in partnership with American Exchange Rome and Quilt for Change, the exhibition will then travel in Europe and North America for upwards of two years thereafter.
Quilters were invited to create and submit art quilts that address the issue of clean water and its impact on the lives of women and girls.
Using the Art of Quilting to Inspire Social Change. Website :

-« Mélancolie des Derniers Quartiers » will be part of « The Gala of the Unexpected », 25th Anniversary  at : The National Quilt Museum, Paducah, KY, USA.
The selected quilts will travel on exhibition through December,31 2018

The exhibition schedule can be seen here.

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