
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Call for Active Donation: the 2015 SAQA Benefit Auction, and ...

As SAQA members have read in the regular e-mail notifications from the board, SAQA's benefit auctin for 2015 is already on its way. If you haven't registered for your contribution, it's not too late, although you won't make the 'early bird cut' anymore. SAQA is looking forward to your donations. Some modalities haven been changed this year, check out the new rules and possibilities here.

And please remember: As last year we want to run a series on Europe/Middle East's contributions to the Auction, Take a few pictures while you are making one, and send them to the blog address or Uta (see links on the right hand bar) when you send your piece to SAQA.

(Here is a sneak preview of mine, finished on time, which will be posted tomorrow:

Shapes 28, by Uta Lenk, 2015, detail

If you have a brilliant idea for a slightly more flashy heading of the series than I came up with last year I am absolutely open for suggestions!

Looking forward to receiving many reports about your donations - let's put Europe/Middle East on the SAQA map for real!

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