
Sunday, October 5, 2014

SAQA is Seeking Volunteers for Translations

Do you speak/write a non-English language well? Some SAQA members do not understand English well enough to be completely confident about participating in SAQA's events/calls for entry, and feel left out.

As you may have read in one of Martha Sielman's recent e-blasts, SAQA is searching for volunteers who would be willing to translate SAQA's various forms of communication into other languages. Would you be willing to volunteer to help translate the SAQA Journal, call for entries or other SAQA website pages? If so please  contact Christine Hager-Braun(, the new Translation Liaison on the Membership Committee.  

Christine says:
Volunteers may commit short-term to translate only small sections of the website or commit long-term to translate updates to the website or new call for entries.

We are currently looking for translators with language skills in Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Quebec French and German.

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